2019 Scholarship Recipients
These students are attending Arizona State University, Binghamton University, Boise State University, Brigham Young University, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Messiah College, San Diego State University, Spelman College, University of California, Santa Barbara, and University of Southern Indiana.
The Board of Directors and staff of the Fire Family Foundation wish them all the best in the future.

Elyse M.
Elyse, an Indiana native, is an incoming freshman at the University of Southern Indiana. In high school, she was on the varsity cross country, track, cheerleading, and golf teams. She also served on the student council and in several other mentorship positions. She plans to work in the healthcare field after graduation.

Emily Z.
Emily is a New York native, is an incoming freshman at Binghamton University. She volunteered for over 100 hours throughout high school and played on her school’s varsity soccer and lacrosse teams. She plans to become a nurse after graduation so that she can help make a positive impact on others.

Halle S.
Halle is from California and is an incoming freshman at Boise State University. She has extensive experiencing working with kids from babysitting, working as a golf camp instructor, and volunteering in a special education classroom throughout high school. She is passionate about school safety and plans to continue serving others after graduation.

Kayley A.
Kayley is an incoming freshman at the University of California, Santa Barbara and a California native. She played varsity soccer at her high school for three years, until she damaged several ligaments in one of her knees. Her recovery experience inspired her to become an orthopedic surgeon in the future.

Kyler L.
Kyler lives in California and has matriculated to Brigham Young University. He has deferred admission so that he can take a 2-year-long mission trip. He is an Eagle Scout who was captain of his high school’s varsity water polo and swim teams. When he starts college, he plans to pursue a degree in chemical engineering so that he can work on creating alternative fuel sources.

Lauryn N.
Lauren hails from Maryland and is an incoming freshman at Spelman College. She served as a peer health mentor and as president of student activities all four years of high school. She also dances extensively and led her school’s hip hop and liturgical dance groups. She dreams of continuing to serve others after graduation.

Lindsey J.
Lindsey is a California native and an incoming freshman kinesiology major at San Diego State University. She is a dancer, tutor, and Girl Scout Gold Award recipient. Her firefighter father inspires her to hold herself to a high standard, which is why she plans to become either a physician’s assistant of pediatric occupational therapist.

Madeline M.
Madeline is from California and is an incoming freshman at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. In high school, she was captain of her cross country team, class president, and concert band section leader. The mentoring experience she gained through her leadership positions have inspired her to take on more leadership roles in college. She dreams of become an entrepreneur.

Savannah N.
Savannah is from New York and is an incoming freshman at Messiah College. She has volunteered extensively with her local fire department and is currently a volunteer EMT. She is also a skilled violinist who led her section in her high school symphonic orchestra and string ensemble. She plans to become a physician’s assistant in the future.

Bridget M.
Bridget, an Arizona native, is a sophomore criminology and criminal justice major at Arizona State University. Her firefighter father’s dedication and pursuit of education inspired her to pursue working for the FBI one day. She also works as a lifeguard, trains new lifeguards, and volunteers for fundraisers and events at her local fire department.
Each student received a $5,000 scholarship, with $50,000 awarded in total.
If you are the child of an active, retired, or fallen firefighter, you can apply for a scholarship next year! Bookmark our Scholarships page and check back in Spring for details.